Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sloppy Seconds Go To Robin

They'd be less sloppy, but we all know that Mr. Fab is the jizziest.
Robin kissed me today, which is fine by me. She can kiss me any time she likes. In fact I have a few suggestions as to areas she might try kissing, but that's not for here.

And now it's my turn, isn't it? By bitch list is as follows...
Blue, Janna, Michelle, Sourpuss, Robin, Turnbaby and Fabs.

The Mwah! Award is a sweet kiss given to say thank you for friendships and comments in the blogosphere. Apparently it was started by Jenn in Holland.


Robin said...

I don't like my kisses sloppy.

Janna said...

Mwah to you too!
I feel so loved! And not in the usual "why are you breathing on my neck while you stand behind me in the line at McDonalds with vodka breath and a laugh strangely reminiscent of an insane chainsaw-wielding freak" kind of way.
So, yeah.... cool!

Gwenhwyfar said...

Robin - I'm sorry about the sloppiness but you'll really have to take that up with Fabs.

Janna - Damn, those were my plans for tomorrow.

The Absurdist said...

I just usually dry hump people. Ask Robin. Course, you know too because I have dry-humped you too.

Gwenhwyfar said...

And your dry-humpings are legendary.

sourpuss said...

Hey, if I'm the Sourpuss you smooched... Thanks! Right back at ya, bebeh!

Gwenhwyfar said...

Is there another sourpuss? Oh. God. No!

The Ferryman said...

You like me! You really like me!

Gwenhwyfar said...

Only on days ending with a Y.