Monday, December 04, 2006

Straight Flush, Bitches!

I finally got to see the new James Bond last night and despite my concerns that it wouldn't live up to the hype, I have to admit they were unfounded. The movie was excellent, not only did it live up to any expectations I had, but completely surpassed them.
It was just a good movie over all, leaving me struggling to find any weaknesses and completely at a loss for things to complain about. That's the first time I can remember that happening in ages.
Daniel Craig was really brilliant as Bond, though I have to admit, a lot of my skepticism revolved around him. I had sided with the purists when I saw that they had cast a blue eyed, blond Bond - but by the time the credits rolled the blue eyes won me over... or maybe it was the smile... or the abs.... I don't know, but it was good.
Mads Mikkelsen was absolutely fabulous as le Chiffre. He pulled of that cold-hearted, calculating and eerie calm that make a bad guy something special. And though it had nothing to do with his actual performance, the cloudy eye they gave him was excellently done.
My only real complaint was that I had been told there was a shot of Bond's junk in there somewhere. Believe me, I watched closely and that was one very junk free movie. How disappointing.
Seriously though, if you haven't seen it already... do so now. Right now. Stop reading this and go to the closest theater.


Jason Doan said...

I even liked the theme song.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Agreed. Although anything would be a vast improvement over the last Bond theme song horror show.