It's definitely Monday.
I've only been at work an hour and a half and already the phone stopped working, the elevator is broken, two people have called in sick and - here's the real kicker - the upstairs toilet over flowed. And I don't mean a little, I mean water was gushing out of the men's room and down the hall, creating a waterfall down the stairs and come through the ceiling on the first floor.
It wasn't just some "oops the toilet is plugged" kinda thing either. Some ass hat decided it would be fun to plug it on purpose. According to Bill, our head maintenance guy, this makes 3 times recently. He wasn't very happy about it.
So I got to spend the first part of my shift scrambling around like a mad fool trying to get containers under the down pour and moving books out of the way.
Fuck I hate people.
And Mondays.
You did awesome at cleaning up seweage water, Jen! It's like you have a gift or something...
Thanks. And I must say you have a gift for disappearing right before toilets suddenly explode.
I wanna know what they used to plug it!
I never found out for sure, but I think someone said it was a whole roll of TP.
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