Monday, August 14, 2006

From me to you 15

Just a short one this time.

- Beer and clam is not a Caesar. Seriously, you shmuck.

- Getting make-up tattooed on, just for the hell of it, is a shitty, shitty idea.

- Beer and maple fudge does not go together, ever, trust me.

- A one piece denim outfit should be considered a crime against humanity, along with the speedo and stirrup pants.


Jason Doan said...

Wow, that's all excellent advice. Who the fuck thinks that beer and clam is a caesar?

Gwenhwyfar said...

I'll give you a hint... it starts with a G and ends with an allagher.

Jason Doan said...

Too funny, I had originally finished my comment with a "G?", but then deleted it not believeing that even G could be that dumb. That boy never ceases to amaze me :P

Gwenhwyfar said...

Well, he lost his smart stone and now he's had his wisdom teeth pulled - It's a wonder he can tie his own shoes.

Gwenhwyfar said...

I can't believe you signed up to blogger just for that... hahahaha.

Jason Doan said...

sweet "jen sucks: the blog", I can't wait to read that.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Yeah, but I'm sure you just go for the Pallow discussion forum.