Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Boxing Day

Try not to get trampled and for the love of Groucho, please folks, a 50% off sale is no reason to start a fist fight in the middle of Best Buy. Trust me.
For all of you weirdos who have no idea what I'm talking about - Boxing Day has more or less become our answer to Black Friday. Only it's after Christmas. Every idiot and their screaming brats load in to the car and head down to whatever store is having the best sales and proceeds to forget any manners they may have had before they walked through the front door. Then they all fight for the honour of spending money on crap they don't really need. All the while the unfortunate staff of any store open on boxing day spends their shift trying not to kill each and every person in the store and to hang on to the last shred of sanity left to them. Golly-gee, doesn't that sound like fun?
Personally, I'd rather sleep in.


Robin said...

can i sleep in with you? do you have room in there?

Gwenhwyfar said...

You can sleep in with me any time. I have plenty of room.

Robin said...

i tend to elbow in my sleep.

Gwenhwyfar said...

That's okay, I tend to grope in my sleep.

Dalton Baker said...

Hope you didnt have to work that day.

Bronwyn said...

I've been meaning to ask you. What is the right reason to start a fist fight in Best Buy?

Gwenhwyfar said...

Obviously a "Punch one, get one free" event would be a good reason. But as far as a "right" reason, I don't know that there is one.