Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Gwenhwyfar Day!

Over the years I've been blogging I've managed to make some awesome friends (along with some weird ones... actually most of them are both) and gain a few readers. I've been a radio guest and a guest blogger. I've gotten my share of comments and what-not. All this is nice. But today was a little different.
Somehow I ended up being the subject of two separate blog posts, which made my morning blog rounds a rather interesting trip. It also made it clear that my plan to slowly but surely take over the world is well on its way. It all begins with the adoration of a few and soon it will build.
So in honour of me and my obvious amazingness I am claiming today. From now on let today be known as International Gwenhwyfar Day!


nikki said...

When is it going to be added to those calendars you buy at the office supply store?

Gwenhwyfar said...

If all goes according to plan, 2009 at the latest.

Robin said...

Obviously you feel more special but somehow I now feel a lot less special than I felt yesterday. Strange how that happens.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Even if you were less special than yesterday (which you're not) you're still at least 75 - 80% more special than everyone else.

Robin said...

I think I can live with that.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Good. I really don't have time to come over and kill you if you can't.