Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Back again

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's been busy around here.
Kt's wedding is at the end of the week, make-up to get ready, new roommate, Babylon 5, work... it's been a full (and odd) couple of weeks.
Narf is nearly finished moving all her stuff into the house, which is awesome. I'm really happy to have her living here and she's been tons of fun already. She's also managed to get me hopelessly hooked on Babylon 5, of which she's been a long time fan and I had only ever seen in passing. I think she's discovered that I have a horribly addictive personality.
Halloween is fast approaching and I'm starting to get into panic mode (closely related to "psychotic" and a not too distant cousin of "ludicrous speed"). Matt's face is finally casted and the sculpting has begun. Hopefully I should be finished soon - I doubt it, but a girl can dream, can't she?
Anyway, it's been crazy, but hopefully I can find more time to update soon.

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