Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dear Universal, Columbia and WB,

Let me start off by saying fuck you and getting it out of the way. For various reasons I'm pissed off at you all. Not just you but for what I want to discuss right now I have to point a finger at the three of you. I'll let you guess which finger.
Aside for all having a long list of shitty, unoriginal, big budget, blockbuster, unwatchably bad movies you've now all done exactly the same thing to me. Not just me, mind you. To many people. You put out a single season of a show and then pulled the plug on the rest. Shows I can't get anywhere else because they've all run their course. Shows I love. Shows I would be willing to pay money for just to be able to have and enjoy.
I must also tell you that I know a good number of people have no issue with going for bootleg copies. I know how much you like that sort of thing, so I thought you should know. I can't blame them though. You've really forced them, now haven't you? So don't get all pissy when you find them doing exactly that. Remember, you get what you give.
So how about, just for this once, you try being less asshole-ish? Could you do that for me? If you do I promise we'll make sure to overlook McHale's Navy, The Fog, Exorcist: The Beginning. Okay?


Avitable said...

Is there a show in particular that you're talking about?

Gwenhwyfar said...

You mean what got me started on this rant? Quincy, M.E.

Avitable said...

You're trying to be seasons of Quincy on DVD and can't? I haven't seen any episodes of that show, but I thought it was pretty popular. It surprises me that they don't have the whole series out there.

The Ferryman said...

Quincy? That old show with Jack Klugman?

Gwenhwyfar said...

Yes! Jack Klugman rules everything. Him and Robert Ito.