Sunday, April 09, 2006

That whole "Freedom" thing again (or, excuse my rant)

Jesus Christ on Crutches! I am getting so sick and tired of the over zealous, self-righteous, loud mouthed religious right walking around thinking that the rights and freedoms in this country serve and protect only them.
I've said it before and because of these assholes I'll say it a million more times, THEY PROTECT EVERYONE! That's EVERYONE, in case you didn't catch that, including people you don't agree with!
I bring this up because my brother just relayed a story to me and I couldn't help but be annoyed (if you hadn't noticed already). He was telling me that on Monday he and a friend were out for wings at a near by restaurant. He and his friend were minding their own business when their waitress came to their table. She tells them that another patron had sent her over to inform my brother's friend that his shirt is offensive (religiously offensive). They tell her that it really isn't her job to be playing messenger and to tell the complaining patron that they don't care, freedom of religion. She did. The patron then starts going on about how they "shouldn't be allowed out in public", the waitress tells him she's not passing messages any more.
At this point in the story I was annoyed. What kind of douchbag sends a waitress over with messages like that? And where does he get off saying my brother and his friend shouldn't be allowed out in public? Fuck you, guy.
Then my brother goes on to tell me that this guy, not having his personal messenger any more, decides to walk over to their table and harass them some more. He tells them that he's going to speak to the manager and have them banned from the restaurant and how they must think they're real clever hiding behind their freedom of religion.
Well sir, you seem to be doing a pretty good job of it yourself.
We're back on the subject of freedoms. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom, freedom, freedom.
And I want to get one thing straight - I'm not mad at this guy because he was offended. It's his right as a human being to feel offended. This guy pisses me off because he thinks that his rights outweigh my brother's or his friend's. He pisses me off because he feels it's his right to harass people around him, in public, based on his religious beliefs. He pisses me off because he would say something like "they shouldn't be allowed in public". (Yeah, I know I'm repeating that one - but that really pissed me off.)
That's right asshole, you're out in public. Where does it say that you're guaranteed not to be offended by anything, ever, out in public?
And wait just one second - I though your religion was supposed to be about acceptance and forgiveness and loving your fellow man (so long as it's not that "gay" kind of lovin'), turn the other cheek and all that. Oh, shit, sorry. I forgot, those pleasantness only extend to you fellow "christian man". Heathens and blasphemers don't count. You can shit on them all you like. Right? 'Cause we're going to hell anyway.
Fuckin' jerkoff.


Jason Doan said...


Some people are so fucking clueless. But I gotta ask, what kinda moron would start something with Reid and one of his friends? All of his friends I've ever met are also huge scary looking metal dudes. And what was on the shirt? I might want to order up a case of them.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Yeah, I know. That guy must've had some serious balls, or really believe that God will save his stupid ass.
It was a Cradle of Filth shirt and knowing Reid and his friends, it was probably the "Jesus is a Cunt" shirt. Although CoF has lots of offensive shirts. You can see them here:

Jason Doan said...

Some of those shirts are intense. I can't figure out why someone would be offended by the jesus is a cunt one, I mean it does have a lovely piture of a nun on it and all.

Anonymous said...

That's a great shirt. I love that one. I wish mine hadn't gotten ruined.
These people piss me off as well!
For some reason this kind of thing never happens, I have gotten the look, but no one has ever said something to me, and may there god help them if they ever do.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Some of those shirts are intense. I can't figure out why someone would be offended by the jesus is a cunt one, I mean it does have a lovely piture of a nun on it and all.

Well I know what you're getting for your birthday.
Next week he said he's gonna wear his "Touched by Jesus, fingered by God" shirt, incase that guy's back again.

FP - that sort of thing rarely (well, more like never) happens to my brother either. He's a big scary dude and he hang out with a bunch of big scary dudes, but apparently this guy was a bit of a twit (and really lucky he didn't get his ass kicked).

Anonymous said...

Hmm, you complain about this man harassing your brother, yet is your brother not harassing this man indirectly? I mean, this shirt doesn't seem so much clever or funny, just attempting to be offensive, not to me so much, but it is trying to offend someone. He bought and wears this shirt obviously intended to offend someone. Your brother took the first step. Plus, you go on a rather long winded tangent regarding rights, then proceed to complain about this man excercising his rights by telling your brother what he feels about the shirt and what he feels is necessary to be done to amend it. Not to mention one could speak him or herself blue in the face regarding a person's, as a member of society, responsibility to utilize the rights responsibly. I mean, I don't go around starting fires just because I am physically able to.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not upset about anyone excercising their rights or expressing how they feel. (On the contrary, I'll fight to the death anyone's rights.) But there is a major difference between your right to free expression and harassment.
If you had read carefully you'd have seen that I stated I'm not mad at this guy because he was offended. It's his right as a human being to feel offended. I wasn't even mad about the reason he sent the waitress over, just that he sent the waitress over - had he come over and stated his feelings in a civilized manner I would have gone along with him. However, sending a waitress to deliver messages is childish and statements (as I've said) like "they shouldn't be allowed in public" are completely out of line.
Am I defending the shirt anywhere? No. Is it offensive? absolutely. That really wasn't the issue at all.
It all could have ended with him stating his feelings and moving on, I would have sided with him. Unfortunately he took it a step farther and harassment isn't anyone's right, it's illegal and I can't side with that.
As far as my being long winded, it makes no never-mind to me.
Sorry you didn't like what I had to say, but thank you for your comments anonymous... hope you'll be back to comment again once you've gotten yourself an identity.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I see that point where your rights should never be used to infringe on the rights of another. No identity yet.

Gwenhwyfar said...

Well anon. it's good to see you're back anyway.
And that's it exactly. Rights are fortunately and unfortunately a two way street.