Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where Plenty Of Fans Have Gone Before

I got an extra day off yesterday and I decided to celebrate my good fortune by spending as much time as possible in my PJs, on my couch, watching Star Trek and generally being a nerd. I managed pretty well, had a super nerdy day and even went out for a bit and picked my self up Bones and Khan bobble heads to go with the Spock my cousin got me for my birthday.
And because all of that just wasn't nerdy enough I thought "I should start a new blog. Three just isn't enough."
So behold - Tea. Earl grey. Hot.

Friday, February 12, 2010

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Monday, February 01, 2010

See? I'm Not The Only One

From the guy who brought us the Star Wars Ep. 1 review (if you haven't seen it yet, the whole thing, do it now) comes another Avatar review.